Vishnu's Navel Theory

This is a shloka extracted from the Rig Veda – 10.82.6. It says that the waters, they received that germ primeval wherein the Gods were gathefed all together. It rested set upon the Unborn’s navel, that One wherein abide all things existing.
Vedas say that before the Universe is born, Lord Vishnu is sleeping in the ocean of all causes. Lord Vishnu rests onto the coils of Adishesa (Shesh Nag) which is a giant serpent.

According to Vedic texts, the galactic centre of the Universe is none other than the navel of Vishnu. Brahma appears from the navel of Vishnu who is the creator of the Universe which clears forth that the origin of Universal creator is the navel of Vishnu.
‘Brahma’ appears on a lotus which has grown from Vishnu’s navel. Whenever Brahma opens his eyes, the universe comes to existence and when Brahma closes his eyes, the Universe vanishes. Brahma represents the universe which we all live in, and it is the Brahma who creates life forms.
Vishnu is the personification of the “Eternal Multiverse” that exists forever without any beginning or end. Brahma is the personification of our temporary physical Universe that was created in the ‘Big Bang’.
This concept also fits in the Big Bang theory, as the moment Universe emerges from Vishnu’s navel; it is the moment of the big bang. After exploding out of the body of Cosmic Vishnu, each Universe continues to expand and after reaching a critical stage, it starts to assimilate into the navel of Vishnu which the modern day science calls as the ‘Big Crunch’.
Along with this, our Vedic texts support even the idea of mutiverse! Now, this universe created by Brahma is not permanent. According to Vedas, Brahma lives for 100 years and then dies. After that again a new Brahma is created leading to the formation of a new universe. Talking of time measurements - Brahma lives for 100 years and we are in the 51st year of the Brahma! Isn’t this fascinating?
As per our Vedic texts, not only one but multiple universes emerge out of the Lord Vishnu’s navel, this directly relates with the concept of multiverse of present day science.

For now, Brahma represents our universe which has birth and death, a big bang and a big crunch, from a navel singularity. Vishnu represents the eternity that lies beyond our universe which has no birth or death and that which is eternal! Many such universes like ours exist in Vishnu. Vedas say that thousands of Brahmas have passed away! In other words, this is not the first time universe has been created.

Some scientists have suggested that, following the Big Bang, the universe will eventually stop expanding and will start to contract resulting to the end of the universe, named as Big Crunch, and a new universe will form again. This somehow relates to the present Brahma years coming to an end.
So, aren’t you fascinated by this very interesting topic? It’s still mysterious to us that how our ancient people were able to know such deepest facts! There is not much information available to us right now about these fascinating topics. But we are trying our best to reveal such topics to you, so that you’ll be aware that the deepest source of knowledge is still in our roots, the thing required is just to understand it properly.


Unknown said…
Looking forward to more knowledge on this !
Unknown said…
Devine # fabulous work

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