Have you ever heard someone being depressed?

Do you ever think of what it feels like or how it happens?
 So actually, there is no particular reason why someone can be depressed, it is actually a mental health disorder where a person goes through depressed mood or loss of interest in activities that then causes significant impairments in life.

Do you know that it is very common in India? 
More than 10 million cases of depression per year have been found! It definitely requires medical diagnosis as it can cause several physical and mental changes, and can even bring thoughts of suicide. The main part of its treatment is usually medication (anti depressant) and talk therapy or sometimes even both.

We also mentioned about drugs in the title, so how are drugs and depression related? Depression is common among people who are trying to fight against addiction to drugs or alcohol. Even a wide variety of medications can affect your mood leading to depressive symptoms, paranoia, aggression, hallucinations, and other health problems.

The illegal drugs, mainly psychoactive drugs (caffeine, alcohol, cocaine, cannabis, nicotine, LSD) can affect a person in any possible way. These drugs are chemical substance that acts primarily upon the CNS (central nervous system) where it alters brain function, that then results in temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior.

These substances can be habit forming, causing chemical dependency and may lead to substance abuse.One can get addicted to anything, not only drugs. They have qualities that make them specially hard to beat.

Some of the most addictive substances are :-

1. Nicotine
- Found in tobacco products
- Most common addiction in America

2. Barbiturates (downers)
- Other names include gorillas, nembies, pink ladies
- Used to treat anxiety

3. Cocaine
- Reacts with brain's level of dopamine, that makes brain feel good

4. Alcohol
- Death rate of over 3 million per year
- Very negative effect on body and mind

5. Heroin
- Most addictive
- Very high risk of death

Drugs can cause changes in one's physical appearance, can cause problems in one's work and even have the ability to kill one.


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