The Secret power within you

Have you ever wondered that your life might be governed by someone? Do you know that you are the result of your own thoughts? 
I know it may sound a bit stupid, but it is the ultimate truth. Whatever we think, whatever we believe, whatever we feel as true, we surely come across it in our life at some point of time. Whatever we are now we are only and only the result of our own thoughts. The thoughts come in our mind due to our surroundings, but the thought we trust as correct or true, becomes a part of our life.

Do you want to know how? Lets see...

It all starts in our own mind. We basically have two parts of our mind. One can call them with many names, such as, the objective and the subjective mind, the rational and the irrational mind, the conscious and the subconscious mind and many more. You may use any name to describe it. For here, let me refer it as the conscious and the subconscious mind.

So, the conscious mind is objective and rational, it has the power to distinguish between right and wrong. It has all the powers to choose. Now, due to some environmental factors, some random thoughts come in our mind. These thoughts may be constructive or even be destructive. Now firstly they have to cross the barrier of our conscious mind. The conscious mind is totally in our control. So, now its our turn to choose whether the thought is right or wrong for us. Now, if we choose this thought to be wrong, it will be discarded from our mind. But if we choose it to be right, further the real game plays.

Now it is the chance of our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is subjective and irrational. But its like a dumb, who follows all the instruction of the conscious mind irrespective of the instruction being wrong. Whatever we consciously believe as true, the subconscious accepts it. It doesn't has the power to distinguish between right and wrong. It never questions you! 

Our subconscious mind is the infinite intelligence, which knows all the answers, which can bring miracles in our life, but if consciously believed in wrong things, it can even become the most dangerous enemy of ours. If we believe in something being true, the subconscious blindly accepts it and implies in our life as it is.
So, its all up to you, you can make your life as perfect as you want or even as destructive and fatal as possible.

Our subconscious is the storehouse of all the treasury. It has the potential of providing you all the things needed to live a happy, prosperous, glorious and healthy life. It can bring you all the richies of the world and the knowledge about everything, but the only thing needed is true trust in yourself and to use is wisely, otherwise, you and only you will be responsible for the destruction of yours, and nobody else.

So think wisely, constructively and pray for the well being of everyone, as it is clearly set forth in the Bible:
For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he


I am a result of own thoughts,ok I believe that, but could you explain me that how can i control My thoughts.
Eccentric said…
Firstly take a deep breathe. For having control on yourself,its important to be calm first.Scientific Prayer is a very effective way of doing so.In our future posts, we are going to post some trusted psychological techniques to conquer the subconscious mind.

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